iBatis case study

The following is the english version of a presentation showed by Fabrizio Gianneschi at ours JavaDay 2004 on October 30, 2004.

The talk was about a real world case study, where the entire data access layer of a web application was converted from the original JDBC version to an iBATIS-based solution.

As far we know, this was the first public iBATIS case study ever presented.

Click here to download the PDF

On June 23, 2005 Fabrizio Gianneschi hold a second, longer talk about iBATIS at the italian Java Conference 2005, where he presented the framework in a more detailed way, along with a second case study.

More information can be found at http://web.archive.org/web/20070403212346/http://it.sun.com/eventi/jc05/programma.html

The PDF of the presentation is available here: